F.lli Lorenzi srl - Corso di Porta Romana 1, Milano - Tel. +39-02-86451748


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The Maglia firm, among the oldest Italian umbrella-makers, will explain how to carry out the artisan manufacture of a tailor-made umbrella. Maglia’s generation is composed of craftsmen just like the Lorenzi’s. The Lorenzis have been present in Milan “only” since 1919, whereas the Maglias have been manufacturing since 1854 in Lombardy and since 1876 in Milan. Five generations for the Maglias and “only” three generations for the Lorenzis (in 2019 they will have been knives makers for 100 years in Milan!) A Lombard family from the province of Brescia that of the Maglias and coming from Val Rendena (the Valley of Madonna di Campiglio) the Lorenzis’ family: not very far away from each other, indeed.

Both knives and umbrellas are objects of everyday use whose basic versions are made in China at ridiculous prices. But for those who are not satisfied with plain umbrellas or knives, there is always a new world ready to be discovered.

Now let’s speak about umbrellas: the stick comes in chestnut, Congo, Malacca, broom, maple and bamboo. Fabrics and handles are, again, in wood but also in leather, in deer antler, mutton horn, etc. All the materials are 90% Italian.

Now it’s the knives’ turn: for the kitchen - but not only - the best knives are those in forged steel. Though if you want the absolute top quality, you surely need a knife in Damascus steel, an old hand-made process especially born to produce weapons. Through a long work by hand (several steel layers were riveted and different alloys amalgamated) you could obtain an excellent blade edge and a very resilient sword blade.

F.lli Lorenzi of C.so di Porta Romana is among the few stores in Milan where umbrellas, as well as other items, can be chosen in all their single components. You will be offered not a plain, dull umbrella but a unique “rain-cover” with the fabric, the height, the colour and the handle custom made and selected by you in every detail.

Today life runs apparently very fast, too fast maybe. So we are pleased to supply special “slow” objects made by hand and whose purpose is also to stay, to resist and to remain. And to play the role of protagonists.

F.lli Lorenzi srl

  • INDIRIZZO: Corso di Porta Romana, 1 - 20122 - Milano
  • TELEFONO: +39-02-86451748
  • E-MAIL: info@flli-lorenzi.com
  • P.IVA: 09234910967
  • CODICE REA: MI-20178278

F.lli Lorenzi srl è diretta erede del primo negozio Lorenzi aperto a Milano in C.so Magenta nel 1919 da Olimpio Lorenzi. Marcello e Stefano Lorenzi, titolari di F.lli Lorenzi srl, rappresentano la terza generazione nella attività di famiglia).

Nel 2019 F.lli Lorenzi srl ha celebrato nel 2019, 100 anni di attività a Milano.

Il negozio F.lli Lorenzi di Corso di Porta Romana,1 seleziona specifici prodotti da offrire ai propri clienti e progetta e realizza selezionati prodotti artigianali.

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