F.lli Lorenzi srl - Corso di Porta Romana 1, Milano - Tel. +39-02-86451748


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On the 26th October from 17:30 to 19:30, in the F.lli Lorenzi’s shop in Corso di Porta Romana 1, some old sabers from 1850 to about 1900 belonging to different Cavalry units, including the Hussars of Piacenza and the “Guide” of Garibaldi, will be shown to the public and commented on by the collector Roberto Dusi.

"You might as well build a throne with bayonets, but you will not sit on it for long” - Boris Yeltsin.

Paraphrasing the book “Guns, Germs and Steel” by the Pulitzer winning author Jared Diamond on the three key factors that have moulded the world as we see it today, on 16th March 2017 at 17.30 at F.lli Lorenzi’s you will be introduced to the fascinating world of bayonets, as well as of combat and sports knives.

In co-operation with the Cultural Centre Italy-Asia, the Art and Science Museum and Roberto Jelmini’s Family, F.lli Lorenzi are pleased to invite you in the shop of C.so di Porta Romana 1, on 29th November at 18.00, for the presentation of the various manufacturing stages needed to create a Samurai sword (“at the end of the manufacture, after fifteen folds, you can count as many as 32.768 layers”). They will also explain how the old techniques are applied today for the production of the best kitchen and sports knives. 

F.lli Lorenzi srl

  • INDIRIZZO: Corso di Porta Romana, 1 - 20122 - Milano
  • TELEFONO: +39-02-86451748
  • E-MAIL: info@flli-lorenzi.com
  • P.IVA: 09234910967
  • CODICE REA: MI-20178278

F.lli Lorenzi srl è diretta erede del primo negozio Lorenzi aperto a Milano in C.so Magenta nel 1919 da Olimpio Lorenzi. Marcello e Stefano Lorenzi, titolari di F.lli Lorenzi srl, rappresentano la terza generazione nella attività di famiglia).

Nel 2019 F.lli Lorenzi srl ha celebrato nel 2019, 100 anni di attività a Milano.

Il negozio F.lli Lorenzi di Corso di Porta Romana,1 seleziona specifici prodotti da offrire ai propri clienti e progetta e realizza selezionati prodotti artigianali.

Vedi anche l’opzione “Chi siamo” nel menù del sito.