Point 5: Piazza Sant’Alessandro
Address: Piazza Sant’Alessandro
From Piazza Missori, walking down that short narrow street called Via Zebedia, you will find one of the cutest corners of Milan: Piazza Sant’Alessandro.
On your right, before an imposing staircase, the majestic facade of the Barnabas-style church Sant’Alessandro in Zebedia emerges. The reason why the church is called Sant’Alessandro in Zebedia is because it is believed that it was built on the ruins of the old prison of Zebedia, where Sant’Alessandro - according to tradition - was closed in.
Indoors you can see the splendid pulpit wonderfully decorated. Now turn around it, and guess where the preacher entered to climb up the pulpit. The access is hidden but you can spot it. Try and discover it by yourself before asking the sacristan for information!
Extracted from: “Storia di Milano”, Alfredo Bosisio, ed. Aldo Martello, 1958.